

The MFA program in 陶瓷艺术 at Alfred University has a distinguished history as a center of 陶瓷艺术 innovation, 研究和教育. 在我们最先进的设备里, our funded 2-year program is embedded in an intensive learning community where teaching and leadership meet research through critical making and rigorous critique. Experimental and encompassing curriculum represents all genres that reside in or move through various realms of 陶瓷艺术. 在《迪士尼3彩乐园》中一直排名第一, the objective of the Master of Fine 艺术 (MFA) degree is to prepare individuals for creative careers in the arts and culture.




  • ART 501工作室选修课*(非主修领域)
  • ART 552高级陶瓷* (1st研究生工作室指导)
  • ART 555陶瓷材料I:粘土体和釉料
  • 选择以下一门(或多门)技术选修课:
    • ART 582陶瓷材料I:粘土体和釉料
    • ART 553陶瓷材料II:陶瓷艺术家的问题解决
    • ART 581窑炉程序和施工
    • ART 587 3D建模入门 & 快速原型
    • ART 500工具和策略:数字工具和制造
  • ART 560陶瓷研究生研讨会(1st 研讨会)
  • ARTH 660一年级研究生研讨会(1st 所有研究生项目的年度候选人参加)
  • 艺术680书面论文准备(2)nd 年度研讨会:陶瓷艺术 & 雕塑空间研究研究生)
  • ART 672书面论文准备(2nd 年度研讨:论文定稿及论文答辩)
  • 艺术680论文-陶瓷艺术(2)nd研究生工作室指导)
  • ARTH 563陶瓷与文化认同

In addition to studio advising and critical reviews of work by the full team of core faculty in 陶瓷艺术, 所有的研究生都在一系列的研讨会上获得学分, 艺术历史, 工作室选修课和与其学习领域相关的技术课程.

第二年, students work in seminars and individually with advisors on a written thesis as a supporting document to their MFA thesis exhibition. Thesis exhibitions are in the 艺术与设计学院’s Fosdick-Nelson Gallery, Robert C. 特纳画廊或经批准的其他地点.

Degree requirements include two years of residence and a minimum of sixty graduate credit hours. Critical reviews of studio work and evaluation of progress in the program are scheduled at midterm and the end of each semester.

Applicants for admission should hold the baccalaureate degree with the equivalent of sixty credit hours in studio courses. A 投资组合 of completed works could be considered the equivalent of some studio courses.

In addition to the transcripts and letters of recommendation required of all students, applicants to the MFA program must present a 投资组合 showing competency in their art practice. 当提交作品集给 Slideroom be sure to indicate the program for which you are applying and provide appropriate 投资组合.

The 艺术与设计学院 at Alfred University offers graduate study in multiple divisional areas: 陶瓷艺术, 电子综合艺术, Sculpture/Dimensional Studies (concentration in either glass art or sculpture) and Painting. 申请人应明确他们申请的是哪个MFA项目.

All applications are made through the 研究生 招生 Office and all supporting documents and the 投资组合 must be submitted to the 研究生 招生 Office by January 15th of the application year. Only completed applications will be forwarded to the 教师 Review Committee. 一月份入学的申请不予考虑.

Accepted applicants must make a $200 deposit and return a signed contract as directed in the notification of acceptance or their acceptance becomes void.

In addition to a grant for full tuition waiver for both years of residency in the program, each MFA student in 陶瓷艺术 is guaranteed an assistantship for each semester of the two-year program. 研究生 assistantships consist of several types: teaching assistantships (working directly with faculty in undergraduate studio and technical classes), teaching internships (teaching ceramics to non-art students from the greater university), facilities coordinator (working with Technical Specialists to oversee kiln and facility access, 维护和调度)和, 社交媒体协调员. In all cases, the student receives a stipend of $7,000 for the academic year.

研究生 teaching assistants are intended to support the graduate candidate by providing valuable first-hand experience in academic teaching and experience in the oversight of a large and complex facility. All assistants have a commitment of approximately 10 hours/week to meet the requirements of the stipend. 作业是在教员之间协商完成的, 学生和系主任在每学期开始时.

Every graduate student is assigned a private studio space with direct access to the relevant facilities in their area of interest. 本科 students are also assigned studio spaces during their final year of study. 除了教师办公室和教室, 哈德大厅有430个座位的福尔摩斯礼堂, 福斯迪克-纳尔逊画廊, 哈兰德·斯诺德格拉斯画廊, 电子艺术协会, 室内窑炉设施, 计算机实验室, 约翰·伍德工作室的印刷媒体, 摄影和互动平面设计, 还有基础课程的教学设施, 摄影, 绘画, 陶瓷艺术, video, 声音设计和互动艺术.


Students interested in the Master's in 陶瓷艺术 program may also consider these related areas of graduate and professional study:
